Friday, November 7, 2008

First Blog! WOOHOO!

Ok, I decided to blog about stuff. I figured it would be fun to do this when I'm bored at home, instead of doing OTHER dumb shit on the internet. I like to internet it up.

Also, I know you want to read about my life, right?

I will start my blogging adventure by talking about how awful I am at writing. I don't know what it is, but I'm just no good. From a very young age, I wrote little stories, poems, and books. OH, and songs. I wrote songs about boys, being in love, getting my heart broken, and I was just 6. What the fuck? Anyway, I was always writing. It was the one thing that I knew I wanted to do forever. I was pretty stinkin good too (for my age). I remember being pretty exceptional in 7th and 8th grade. I never did my homework and I was always getting in trouble, but as soon as we were assigned an essay, I was the first to pick up my pencil. It was such a great feeling. 

High School was pretty different. I was in the normal/regular English class in 9th grade, and did very well. But Sophomore year, my guidance counsellor suggested I try the Honors English class... So I did. NOT. COOL. I could not keep up with my fellow classmates, at all. It's hard to explain this, but being in that class made me very nervous. The teacher didn't like me because I had such a hard time turning in my assignments on ttiimmee, and I never came to class prepared. AND I felt like the other students were judging me. Ok, I realize this sounds kind of ridiculous, it's just a h.s. English class....
Anyway, I finally got my shit together that year, and I ended up doing alright.

The following year, Junior year, was even worse. I struggled with EVERYTHING; vocabulary quizzes, every test, staying awake during Gulliver's Travels, and even ESSAYS(?!). No matter what I did, I could not please my teacher or get a good grade. I mean, I did not fail, I think I just kept getting C's, which is not acceptable in English. I remember this one essay I wrote about Mark Twain. I worked so hard on it and it took me forever to finish. I was excited to hear what Mrs. Teacher thought about it. And I got it back with a big red "C" on the cover page. Ugh! I started to realize that I had not grown as a writer. My writing skills had not advanced at all. I was still writing like I was in 8th grade, which was great for an 8th Grader, but not a Junior in an Honors class. 

This realization was very depressing to me. It still is. I absolutely love writing, I just wish I was better at it. Maybe this will help a little. Maybe with each inarticulate and boring blog, I'll get a little better. Maybe. 

But I will say this, I am a pretty good speller, I spell well. So if there are any typos or misspellings, it was just an accident. I don't proof-read, which is silly. I should, but I don't.

Alright, I'll let you go. If you read this, thanks for reading it. 


erica ruppy said...

I think you're a fabby writer! I loved the story. My two favorite parts of the blog are when you said you hadn't advanced from your 8th grade level, which was good in 8th grade but not in high school honors class. That was very "lol."

Also, I liked the information on how well you spell. It sounded like you were a witch.

I wish I were a witch. Long live The Craft.

NikkiBee said...

I love you.

MM LLC said...
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MM LLC said...

Everyone's studies suffered in high school, this is because high school sucked.